Living History
Out of Print
Drawing on the Past
by Cathy Johnson
“Part of the fascination of living history is the way it examines the everyday stuff of the American past. How did pencils look two hundred years ago, or traveling gear common to the Lewis and Clark expedition? Exactly what did the folks wear doing the chores at a fort along the Missouri River in 1812 — and what were those chores? Cathy Johnson knows, and shows you. Like Eric Sloane before her, Johnson has a sure sense of the lively past and conveys it in Living History: Drawing on the Past with skillful pen and ink drawings and penmanship – across-the-page. Her technique gives her well-researched book the look of an old journal or a leisurely letter with sketches from a talented friend who has been traveling somewhere you’ve always wanted to go.” — Mimi Handler, Editor, Early American Life
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